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외국어 공부하기/영문법

비인칭 주어 It (impersonal subject) 문제

1. 자연현상에서 It 사용

날씨, 시간, 거리 등을 나타내는 문장을 작성해 보세요.


  1. (비가 오고 있다) 영어로 쓰세요.
  2. (오늘은 덥다) 영어로 쓰세요.
  3. (지금은 아침 9시다) 영어로 쓰세요.
  4. (여기에서 역까지 2km이다) 영어로 쓰세요.


  1. It is raining.
  2. It is hot today.
  3. It is 9 o’clock in the morning.
  4. It is 2 kilometers from here to the station.

2. 형식적 주어 It 사용

긴 주어를 대체하는 형식적 주어 It을 사용해 문장을 다시 작성하세요.


  1. To wake up early is difficult.
  2. That she passed the exam made her parents happy.
  3. To exercise regularly is good for your health.


  1. It is difficult to wake up early.
  2. It made her parents happy that she passed the exam.
  3. It is good for your health to exercise regularly.

3. It 강조 구문

다음 문장에서 강조하고자 하는 부분을 It ~ that 구조로 바꿔보세요.


  1. John broke the vase yesterday. (강조: John)
  2. She completed the project last week. (강조: last week)
  3. I met your friend at the park. (강조: at the park)


  1. It was John that broke the vase yesterday.
  2. It was last week that she completed the project.
  3. It was at the park that I met your friend.

4. 관용적 표현에서 It 사용

다음 문장에서 빈칸을 채우세요.


  1. ___ takes time to master a new skill.
  2. ___ is no use crying over spilt milk.
  3. ___ seems that he is not coming to the party.
  4. ___ is important to stay healthy.


  1. It takes time to master a new skill.
  2. It is no use crying over spilt milk.
  3. It seems that he is not coming to the party.
  4. It is important to stay healthy.

5. 변환 연습

다음 문장을 It을 사용하는 문장으로 바꿔보세요.


  1. That he apologized surprised me.
  2. To find a good job is not easy.
  3. To study late at night is tiring.
  4. That she was chosen as the leader was unexpected.


  1. It surprised me that he apologized.
  2. It is not easy to find a good job.
  3. It is tiring to study late at night.
  4. It was unexpected that she was chosen as the leader.